August 10, 2022

Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital Accredited with Commendation

Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital Accredited with Commendation

Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital (HGMH) has been Accredited with Commendation by Accreditation Canada, an independent, not-for-profit organization that assesses and recognizes organizational excellence. Being Accredited with Commendation is an achievement to be celebrated, this means the hospital has surpassed the fundamental requirements of the accreditation program. This achievement is awarded to organizations that demonstrate excellence in quality safe patient care, superior work life for their people, and overall effective leadership and governance of the corporation.

The onsite survey took place from June 21 to 24 where Accreditation Canada surveyors reviewed the organization's care and services through dialogue with staff, physicians, Board members, volunteers, community partners, patients, and their families. There are over 1000 standards and required organizational practices being assessed through this process. HGMH met 1068 of 1119 applicable standards for a 95.4% compliance rate and met 100% of the Required Organizational Practices (ROPs) to ensure safe, quality care.

This achievement represents the culmination of several months of preparation by the entire hospital team, who work hard to maintain the rigorous standards set in every category every day. The process was coordinated by Louise Quenneville, Dietary and Environmental Services Manager, as well as Jennifer Mattice, Project Manager, who ensured the surveyors had all the information they needed.

"The daily ongoing commitment to excellence by each and every one of our staff is what the surveyors felt and saw during their time at HGMH." says President & CEO, Robert Alldred-Hughes. "Receiving Accreditation with Commendation during these challenging times reinforces that our dedicated and attentive staff, physicians, and volunteers provide outstanding professional care to our patients and their families at every encounter.”

The Board of Directors acknowledged staff of HGMH for all the hard work put in over the last several months to prove to Accreditation Canada that we can compete with the best hospitals in Canada. “We may be small, but we are STRONG. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Jennifer and Louise for their efforts in coordinating this successful survey.” said Frank Wetering, Board Chair. 

Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital (HGMH) has been established in Alexandria, Ontario, for over 55 years. HGMH provides acute care, 24-hour emergency services, outpatient services and rehabilitation to over 41,000 residents every year. Our team includes over 180 staff members, 50 Medical Staff members and 100 volunteers who all take pride in bringing quality health care to our local Eastern Ontario community.

For more information and media interviews:
Contact person: Robert Alldred-Hughes, President & CEO
613.525.2222 x4104

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