Important info for patients and visitors
Welcome to the Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital (HGMH). This section contains useful information in order to prepare for a stay or visit at the hospital.
You can also request a hardcopy of our Patient and Family Handbook while at the hospital. This was co-designed by our Patient and Family Advisory Committee and contains information about the hospital.
Transfers by ambulance between hospitals or between hospitals and nursing homes are at no charge. All other ambulance services are subject to a fee. Patients of the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) may be eligible to have their ambulance fees paid by the CCAC. Please contact your CCAC caseworker for further information.
A latex allergy is an adverse reaction to products made from latex or natural rubber. We make every effort to provide a latex safe environment for patients, visitors, employees and volunteers. For this reason, we ask that no latex balloons be brought onto the premises.
A 24-hour bank machine is located in the Emergency Department. Change machines can be found in the Emergency Department as well as the pool entrance.
Patient Accounts may be settled by mail with the prepaid return envelope provided with your bill, via the hospital's website, or through the Business Office located beside the Main Entrance of the hospital.
Business Office hours:
Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm
Weekends from 8:00am to 4:00pm
Our cafeteria is located on the lower level and is open from 9:00am to 5:00pm, offering a variety of snacks and hot or cold meals.
Snacks and beverages can also be purchased at our Gift Shop as well as vending machines which are located at the pool entrance and in the Emergency Department.
Wireless Devices and Wifi
You may use your personal wireless device while at the hospital, however, we ask that you speak quietly and respect those around you. HGMH provides free wireless internet access to all patients and visitors. To access the public wireless network, connect to the "HGMH Guest" network.
Photos and Videos
Pictures and recordings of staff, patients and/or visitors in the hospital without their consent is prohibited.
Our Gift Shop is staffed and run by our Auxiliary volunteers. It is located just inside the Main Entrance and sells light snacks and drinks as well as a wide variety of gift items.
The hours of operation currently depend on the availability of our Auxiliary.
The hospital offers services to patients in both official languages; English and French. However, if you or your designated care person requires interpretation services in a different language, that can be arranged.
If you have lost an item or you would like to report a found item, please contact our Business Office at 613.525.2222 x0.
HGMH is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality, and security of all personal health information to which we are entrusted.
To access your medical records, please call our Health Information Services Department at 613.525.2222, extension 4137 between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
You can also access your medical records anytime, anywhere, through the secure online Patient Portal.
Parking is available on the premises for patients and visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. HGMH assumes no risk or responsibility for damages to, or loss of, a vehicle or its contents.
Parking rates:
- There is a grace period of 15 minutes of free parking
- 16 to 60 minutes: $3.00
- More than 60 minutes: $5.00
The daily fee of $5.00 will allow users to enter and exit the parking area for 24 hours. Alternatively, passes are available as described below.
There are two pay stations, one at the west exit near the pool and one near the Business Office at the Main Entrance. Payment must be made before exiting the building and can be made by cash or debit/credit.
Two bike racks are also available; one at the Main Entrance and the other at the pool entrance.
The safety of our patients, staff, and visitors is of the highest importance. In order to ensure everyone’s safety and health, we have several policies in place which must be adhered too.
In our Emergency Department, people who are the sickest are treated first. Please note that HGMH's wait times are less than the provincial average. Exact waiting times are not given because the Emergency Department is always changing. For example, someone may need help suddenly or a very sick patient may arrive, thus affecting your wait time.
Please remember that the Emergency Department may look quiet while you are waiting, but it may actually be very busy in the area where patients are being treated. We may be caring for someone who needs considerable attention from our staff.
HGMH ranks respect as one of its workplace values. Abuse in any form, will not be tolerated.