
Providing your care, your way, with seamless integration, innovation, and equitable access for our communities.

HGMH offers a variety of programs and services to our patients in both official languages. Most services require a referral form from your family physician. Click on the program or service for more information.

Have a question? Get in touch.

The Diagnostic Imaging Department provides a full range of imaging and therapeutic services including general radiology, ultrasound and bone mineral densitometry.

General radiology (X-ray) Department Hours:

  • 7:30 am - 10:00 pm Monday to Thursday
  • 7:30 am - 8:00 pm Friday
  • 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Weekends and Statutory Holidays

Bone mineral densitometry (BMD):

  • By appointment only

Ultrasound Department Hours:

  • 7:30 am - 3:00 pm Monday to Friday, by appointment only

Our emergency department is a 24-hour service designed to care for sudden or severe injury.

The Clinical/Organizational Ethics Consultation service is available, on request, to help HGMH health care workers, patients and families explore options for their difficult ethical questions and dilemmas related to healthcare.

Currently, there are several family physicians with private practices in conjunction with Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital (HGMH), housed within the building itself.

Patient meals at HGMH are made onsite in our kitchen. Visitors can purchase meals and snacks in the cafeteria, in vending machines, and at the gift shop.

Health records department oversees the collection, storage, retention, access and disclosure of the medical records of our patients.

HGMH is a proud member of the Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association (EORLA). EORLA laboratories provide diagnostic testing to both hospital inpatients and registered outpatients, performing a total of approximately 13 million tests annually.  Sixteen local hospitals in Eastern Ontario have voluntarily come together in the interests of improved quality in patient care and to effectively manage costs.

EORLA’s medical laboratory professionals — medical laboratory technologists, medical laboratory assistants, physicians and scientists — are at the forefront of quality health care; up to 85 percent of decisions about a diagnosis and treatment plan are based on lab test results. Comprehensive testing in the disciplines of Anatomic Pathology, Biochemistry, Hematopathology /Transfusion Medicine, and Microbiology/Virology is performed at EORLA.  This means patients and their physicians have access to high quality and consistent results across the region.

Department hours:

  • 7:30 am - 4:00 pm Monday to Friday
  • Closed - Weekends and statutory holidays

HGMH is proud to have a robust rehabilitation department, with specialized programs in stroke and geriatric rehabilitation.

HGMH hosts several specialist clinics and provides access to off-site specialists through telemedicine as well.

A variety of spiritual and religious services are available at our hospital.

HGMH's therapy garden provides not only a source of organic food to the entire hospital, but a space for patients to reconnect with nature as they engage motor skills through tasks like planting and weeding.

Our pool boasts complete wheelchair accessibility at the entrance to the building, and also at the pool itself with a 'water wheelchair' available for those requiring help descending into the water.

Two HGMH staff at a desk reviewing paperwork
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