Contact Us

How can we help you today?

For general questions, feel free to give us a call or use our form to send us an email. For specific inquires, please see the directory below.

20260 County Road 43
Alexandria, Ontario K0C 1A0

(613) 525 - 2222

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

If you wish a response, please be sure to include at least one method of contacting you in the form below. Please note that this service does not provide medical advice. For any medical concerns, please see a doctor or go to your nearest Emergency Department.
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Our Directory


Board and Governance
Email Us
T: 613.525.2222 x4104

Business Office
T. 613.525.2222 x0

Human Resources
Email Recruiting
T. 613.525.2222 x4356

Medical Affairs
Email Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs 613.525.2222 x4104

Patient Relations Team
Email Us
T. 613.525.2222 x4335

Pay Your Bill
T. 613.525.2222 x0

Privacy Office
T. 613.525.2222 x4211


Gift Shop
T. 613.525.2222 x4205

Emergency Department

Emergency Department
Phone 613.525.2222


Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital
20260 County Road 43,
Alexandria, Ontario K0C 1A0

Email Us
Phone 613-525-2222

Health Information Services

Health Records
T. 613.525.2222 x4137

Inpatient Unit

Inpatient Unit Nursing Station
T. 613.525.2222 x4125


T. 613.525.2222 x4128

Outpatient Clinics

Clinic Bookings / Appointments
T. 613.525.2222 x4177

Day Surgery Nursing Station
T. 613.525.2222 x4258

Physician Offices

Dr. Anatoly Ross
T. 613.525.4584

Dr. Dale Peffer
T. 613.525.5665

Dr. Eric Bilodeau
T. 613.525.5702

Dr. Ghislain Marleau
T. 613.525.2378

Dr. Melissa Grably
T. 613.525.2324

Dr. Nadia Kucherepa
T. 613.525.2222 x4365


T. 613.525.2222 x4132

Two HGMH staff at a desk reviewing paperwork
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